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The Complete Guide to Dyeing Cellulosic Fibers

  • 36 Steps


🌿The Complete Guide to Dyeing Cellulosic Fibers by Michel Garcia is a self-paced online course that offers in-depth insights into the art of dyeing plant-based fibers like cotton, linen, hemp etc.🌿 ⚗️With a detailed description of dry-and-fix Aluminum acetate mordanting and a new recipe for Aluminum-Iron mordanting⚗️ 🌈With a total video duration of 6,3 hours divided into 31 parts, this comprehensive program covers various techniques and methods🌈 💛 Participants have the flexibility to access the course materials for an extended period. Additionally, participants can download videos, handouts and a recipe book and gain access to Michel's private Facebook group “From Plant to Dye” 💛 🌸 The course is offered in English and includes subtitles and handouts in multiple languages, ensuring it is accessible to a global audience🌸 🌿 THE EARLY BIRD PRICE APPLIES TILL 1.07.24 🌿 1.A Closer Look at Linen and Cotton 2. PFD (Prepared for Dyeing) Test 3. Scouring 4. Fiber Plants and Plant Fibers 5. Understanding Cellulose: The Basics 6. Introduction to Natural Dyes 7. Mordanting Like Druids (with Clay) 8. Mordanting Cellulose: Principles 9. Al Triacetate Mordant 10. Scaling Up Mordanting I 11. Dyeing with Extracts I 12. Dyeing with Extracts II 13. Dyeing with Raw Plants I 14. Dyeing with Raw Plants II 15. Intermediate Results and Fixation 16. Mixed Colors 17. Shell We Dye? Using Chitosan 18. Scaling Up Dyeing I 19. Scaling Up Dyeing II 20. Scaling Up Dyeing III 21. Microwave: Quick Dye Trick 22. Feeling Fe-ncy: Iron Mordanting I 23. Feeling Fe-ncy: Iron Mordanting II 24. Feeling Fe-ncy: Iron Mordanting III 25-27 From Dye Waste to Pigment Wealth I-III 28-29 Indigo vat 30-31 Comparison of mordants

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